Change Activist
Jenk likes to focus his time on helping young people achieve their goals, improving their odds for success and impacting social change at scale. With that in a mind, he has concentrated his work on mental health, education, youth employment and social change.
COP26 Climate Summit - Glasgow, Scotland 2021
On Stage with Climate Science - special guest Jane Goodall, Green Zone Main Hall, NYT Climate Hub Press Room, Late Night Climate Protest, NYT Climate Hub, Filming Alongside Documentary Film Maker Kasha Slavner- Documentary 1.5c Degrees of Peace

Bite Back 2030, UK
Jenk attended a 3-day residential camp, August 2021, focused on impacting the UK-wide school meals program at the governmental level.
Why? because the health of 3.3 million children is now at risk from overweight and obesity and the UK has the worst childhood obesity rates in Western Europe. To make it worse; where you live has an impact on your health - the less well off you are the more likely you are to have obesity. We don’t think that’s right. We want equal access to affordable and nutritious food, but right now, over a million children don't. Bite Back 2030 exists to change that.

Climate strikes and BLM protests, London, UK
Recent Partnership Speaking Engagements

Single Use Plastics
Earth.org Summit
Earth.org, Hong Kong
21 practical everyday tips for living a more sustainable and plastic-free life- made easy for young people.

Peace, Unity and Fair Institutions- SDG 16
Youthnite Summit
Youthtopia, Bali Indonesia
Discussing the importance and real life applications of United Nations Sustainable Development Goal- 16

Youth Employment
Searching & Securing Green Jobs of the Future
Earth Day & University of Oxford, Saiid Business School
Jenk interviewed Dan Kiernan from University of Oxford, Saiid Business School, Oxford, UK. They will be talking about the green economy and how to secure a job during a difficult employment environment.
World Ocean Day, 2022
Pride Month, 2022
World Environment Day, 2022
Board, Partnerships & Ambassador Roles
Global Citizen
Global Media Partner
As media partners, we interact with Global Citizen on a daily basis, they are a movement of engaged citizens who are using their collective voice to end extreme poverty by 2030. https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/gb/
Earth Day
Global Ambassador and Speaker
EARTHDAY.ORG’s mission is to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide. Growing out of the first Earth Day in 1970, EARTHDAY.ORG is the world’s largest recruiter to the environmental movement. https://www.earthday.org/
Force of Nature, UK
Media Partner and Ambassador
FoN is a youth non-profit mobilising mindsets for climate action.Through their programmes, they cultivate individual agency, the tools in how to create change, and communities at scale. FoN supports leaders across business, education and policy to centre young people in delivering intergenerational climate solutions. https://www.forceofnature.xyz/
Climate Science, US
Media Partner and Ambassador
ClimateScience is a UK-based global charity led by hundreds of driven volunteers from 30 countries and a small team of staff. We aim to make learning engaging, accessible and reliable. ​https://climatescience.org/

Youthtopia, Bali
Circle of Youth Memeber and Speaker
The mission at YOUTHTOPIA is to provide space that brings young people together, ignites their passions and grows their skills to become active changemakers. We will achieve this by creating professionally made, short and meaningful peer to peer programs off and online. https://youthtopia.world/

Youthify, US
Media Partner and Ambassador
Youth.ify’s mission is to empower, rather than simply inspire, young people to take impactful action on environmental issues by providing a global platform for young environmentalists to unify through connection, collaboration and all levels of mentoring and support. https://youthifynetwork.wixsite.com/youthify
Bite Back 2030, UK
Media Partner and Ambassador
Bite Back 2030 works toward equal access to affordable and nutritious school meals, but right now, over a million children don't have that. Bite Back 2030 exists to change that. https://biteback2030.com/

Global Youth Climate Database, US
Media Partner and Ambassador
Global Youth Climate Database (GYCD) connects youth climate leaders from all over the world in the fight against climate change. h​ttps://www.climatedatabase.org/about

Anti-Bullying Pro, UK
Media Partner and Supporter
Supported by HRH The Duke of Cambridge, The Diana Award Anti-Bullying Campaign engages young people, parents and teachers to change the attitudes, behaviour and culture of bullying by building skills and confidence to address different situations, both online and offline. https://www.antibullyingpro.com/
Up Next GenZ, Israel
Member Marketing Advisory Committee and Ambassador
Young entrepreneurship focused- known as the TikTok of idea pitching. The first-ever platform that connects teens' startups & Cryptocurrency. A must see for inspiring entrepreneurs!

BeMe Health, US
Advisory Board, Ambassador and Speaker
BeMe is a mobile mental health platform — made for and With Teens In Mind™ — to improve teen well-being by bringing together the best aspects of social, gaming and streaming engagement along with human coaching and clinical care.

SoundMind, US
Ambassador and Speaker
SoundMind is committed to advancing the field of mental health research and connecting that with the latest mental health technologies at the palm of your fingertips.

Ivy House, UK & US
Ivy House provides transformational personal and professional development at a time when it is needed most. Their programmes create extraordinary leaders – the kind of leaders people actually want to follow and pioneers who are equipped to lead us all into a better future. https://www.ivyhouse.co.uk/
Founders4Schools, UK
Member Advisory Board
Their mission is to inspire students and prepare them for the rapidly changing world of work. They do this by enabling educators to invite business leaders for encounters with their students. https://www.founders4schools.org.uk/
UK Youth, UK
Speaker and Youth Supporter
UK Youth is a leading charity with a vision that all young people are equipped to thrive and empowered to contribute at every stage of their lives. https://www.ukyouth.org

Lets Localise, UK
Ambassador, Corporate Partner and Speaker
We strive to build a brighter future where every student and school has the best resources and school funding to have the best education. We welcome individuals, businesses, and organisations like you to partner with us, raise funds for schools, and bring this dream to life!

Prospect 100, UK
Member Marketing Advisory Committee & Young Entrepreneurship Lead
Jenk works with the Founders to unearth talented youth from around the world to participate in their competitions and live events that provide opportunities to meet recognised industry leaders. The goal being to provide mentoring and work placements across several industries. https://wwwprospect100.com/

Workfinder App, UK
Member Marketing Advisory Committee
Jenk invites young people to intern in order to get work experience at the office. At Workfinder, they inspire youth to find a future they will love, to discover exciting career opportunities and explore the working world on their terms.

Song Academy, UK
Ambassador, Speaker and Event Master of Ceremony
Song Academy is all about Young People. Self-esteem. Confidence. Originality. Individuality. Mental Health. Respect. Creativity. Words. Music. Courage. Connection. Community.

The Youth Group, UK (work finished)
Ambassador and Contributor
A market place of youth-led services that enable young people to be better leaders, learn the art of business faster, access essential advice and support and build their own personal brands.
Jeans for Genes, UK (work finished)
National Spokesperson and Ambassador
They help disorder-specific charities and patient groups to deliver inspiring projects and support services for children affected by a genetic disorder in the UK. The monies raised on Jeans for Genes Day provides grants for day-to-day support, equipment, nursing and patient support services, and events which bring together affected children and their families.